The only cause known for occurrence of ALS is mutation. But it is complex to identify what effect of these scattered mutations cause ALS. To know about a mutation and the effect of that mutation on ALS causing mechanism, select a mutation:

WildType Residues
Mutation Position
Mutation Residues

The effect of mutation on SOD1 is analysed and the results are displayed as 5 different modules, namely

Module 1: Visualization of SOD1 Mutation:

Jmol applet is used to display the user specified mutation. Further the basic information about the mutation such as: Exon number, Class, Coverage, Codon change, Onset, Stability, Reference, Structure and Exposure to provide a clear view where the mutation has occurred in the 3D structure of SOD1.

Module 2: Effect on Secondary structure:

This module identifies if any change has occurred in the secondary structure of SOD1 before and after a mutation. For this, the secondary structure of the residues in mutated model is compared to the secondary structure of the residues in SOD1. These secondary structure changes are considered to be the effect caused due to the mutation.

Module 3: Effect on solvent accessibility:

This module identifies if any change has occurred in the solvent accessibility of SOD1 before and after a mutation. For this, the accessibility of the residues in mutated model is compared to the secondary structure of the residues in SOD1. These accessibility changes are considered to be the effect caused due to the mutation.

Module 4: Effect on amino acid properties:

The effect of mutation on amino acid properties is observed to identify the changes that have occurred on each of the property before and after the mutation. Then the properties thet are increased and decreased by a mutation are listed seperatey.

Module 5: Effect after Clustering:

Since the effect of each mutation on every single property cannot provide a clear idea about the ALS causing mechanism, the clustering of mutations is done. Then the decreasing effect of each cluster on each property is identified and displayed in 4 ranges:0-25, 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100